Adobe Photoshop MCQ Question and answer by Rashed ICT

Adobe Photoshop MCQ Question and answer by Rashed ICT

1) MicrosoftcreatedAdobePhotoshop?
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

2) The Image title bar states the name of the application.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B 

3) The toolbox is located on the left side of the interface and houses manytools that a revisible and hidden.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A 

4) The default colors for the foreground and background colors are black and white.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A 

5) Every tool can be activated by a letter key stroke.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B 

6) Only certain tools display a tools option bar where you can change the settings of a tool.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A 

8) There are 3 panels that are visible in the default workspace environment.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

9) The zoomtool and the navigator palette work to gether in zooming in/out on an image.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

11) The magicw and works with a setting called to lerance to determine the sensitivity level of what is being selected by this tool.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A
 12) Layers cannot be deleted once they've been createD.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

13) Layers are viewed from bottom totop.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B 

14) Holding the shift button will allow you to add to as election.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

15) As election can be made with as so, marquee, magicwand, and quick selection tools.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

16) Hue,Saturation and Brightnes saretermsused with color.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

17) In the foreground color picker box there are 7 characters in a hexidecial color code combination.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

18) The tool that will take lookout off ocusis the sharpentool.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

19)The letter "S" key can be pressed to change the screenmode.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

20) A layer that is active must be visible.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

21) An item located under a main menuiscalleda sub menu item.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

23) To change the name of a layer you can double-click on the words on the layer.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

24) The Photoshop version weare currently using in cs5.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

25)The History panel can be found/opened from under the Window main menu.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

26) When you copy/paste an image from the Web into a Photoshop file a new layer is made.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

27) AS martObject Thumb nail on a layer means you can edit that layer.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

28) Control+R is the short cut for hiding/showing your rulers.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

29)Rule of Third suses a 4x4 grid for determing where to place the focal point in an image.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

30) _______ are small squares on the computer screen that reflect the colors Red, Green, Blue.
A. Possible                           B. Pixels
Ans: A

31) Filter Effects are the ways in which pixels in an image are affected by color.(base,blend,result)
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: B

32) Many photographers and graphi cart is tusetherule of thirds when placing the of cusofinterest.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

33) Editing is the process of changing the photo to make it most effective for its purpose.
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

34) After you are finishedmaking trans formations you commit changes by pressing the enter key
A. True                                  B. False
Ans: A

35)Layer____________include things such as dropshadow, bevelandemboss,and stroke.
A. Possible                           B. Styles
Ans: A

A. Control+D                     
B. Control+T
C. Control+V
Ans: B

37) The key to press when using the Clone Stamping Tool.
A. Alt                                      B. Shift
C. Control                            D. Space
Ans: A

38) The setting with aselection tool that allows the edges to be soft.
A. radius                                               B. feather
C. tolerance
Ans: B

39) The term that describes the range of color.
A. Hue                                   B. Saturation
C. Lightness
Ans: A

40) The term that describes the purity of color.
A. Hue                                   B. Saturation
C. Lightness
Ans: B
 41)The short cut key to activate the pentool.
A. M                                       B. N
C .O                                        D. P
Ans: D

42)The term to change a smart object in to aeditable layer.
A. transformation            B. rendering
C. rasterize                          D. none of the above
Ans: C

43) The shortcut for duplicating a layer.
A. Control+J                        B. Control+T
C. Control+D                      D. Control+N
Ans: A

44)The 4 key stroke used to turn some thing into Black & White.
A. Window+Control+Shift+B
B. Alt+Control+Shift+S
C. Alt+Control+Shift+B
D. Tab+Control+Shift+B

45)The name of the points that are made with the pen tool when it is makinga path.
A. anchorpoints                B. markers
C. spotters                          D. clusters
Ans: A

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